Board of Supervisors to vote on MEHKO program in San Diego County

This coming Wednesday, January 12, the County Board of Supervisors will vote to authorize or decline a MEHKO program in our region.

You can help ensure that MEHKO is authorized in San Diego County.

Submit a public comment now, supporting the authorization of a MEHKO program in San Diego County. Share your story of how home cooks have impacted your community, or why being a home cook or microentrepreneur is important to you.

Public comments can be submitted before and during the meeting on January 12, starting now.

More ways to take action:

  • Write a letter of support to your district's Supervisor, advocating for the authorization of a MEHKO program in San Diego County.

  • Attend the rally on Sunday, January 9, 2022, from 1-3pm at the Waterfront Park (1600 Pacific Hwy San Diego 92101), organized by San Diego County's MEHKO Coalition. Listen to speakers, hear inspirational stories from home cooks, and join the community advocating for a more just, inclusive food economy.

  • Attend the January 12 Board of Supervisors meeting virtually—online, by watching on TV, or listening in on your phone. During the meeting, you may request to speak by phone or submit a public comment, if you haven't already.

  • Read the specifics of the proposed MEHKO program. This Board Letter will be presented and reviewed at the January 12 meeting.

  • Learn more about MEHKO, why the Alliance supports it, and the ongoing efforts to make MEHKO a reality in San Diego County.

Opting into the Homemade Food Operations Act supports micro-entrepreneurs and builds inclusive food economies.

Attend the rally on Sunday, January 9, 2022, from 1-3pm at the Waterfront Park (1600 Pacific Hwy San Diego 92101), organized by San Diego County's MEHKO Coalition. Listen to speakers, hear inspirational stories from home cooks, and join the community advocating for a more just, inclusive food economy.